Algorithmically generated framed pictures of heads of governments
Computer programming, Data visualization, Exhibitions, Research
In every country framed pictures of its leaders are placed in many different locations ranging from the homes of its people to government offices, corporations and public places. In most countries leaders are very powerful people and having a sense of presence of the leaders bring more than just mere luck in getting certain things done.
“Framing Leaders” is a website consisting of algorithmically generated framed pictures of Heads of Governments based on their length in power, latest Press Freedom Index (RSF) and Corruption Perceptions Index (TI) for the country. Leaders are all about borders, power, constrains which the algorithm translates to ornaments, proportions, matting and darkness.
Tags: Computer programming, Data visualization, Exhibitions, Research, Art, Experiment, Generative, Installation, Print, Social, Website
Year: 2007
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