Islands of Maldives (aligning together)
Computer programming, Data visualization, Research
import*; MovieMaker mm; .... float x = -7000 + float(pieces[6])*100; float y = 715 + float(pieces[7])*-100; scale(50); String[] shapes = split(pieces[0], ','); beginShape(); for (int nodes = 0; nodes < shapes.length; nodes = nodes+1) { String[] xy = split(shapes[nodes]," "); float x1 = -7000 + float(xy[0])*100 - x+6.4; float y1 = 715 + float(xy[1])*-100 - y+4.0; vertex(x1, y1); } endShape(CLOSE);
Mapping photography & its links to social, political & aesthetic systems
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