About Framing Leaders

In every country framed pictures of its leaders are placed in many different locations ranging from the homes of its people to government offices, corporations and public places. In most countries leaders are very powerful people and having a sense of presence of the leaders bring more than just mere luck in getting certain things done.

This website consists of algorithmically generated framed pictures of Heads of Governments based on their length in power, latest Press Freedom Index* (RSF) and Corruption Perceptions Index* (TI) for the country. Leaders are all about borders, power, constrains which the algorithm translates to ornaments, proportions, matting and darkness. frame anatomy


sort ascending order Sort in ascending order for the selected property
sort descending order Sort in descending order for the selected property
sort alphabetically by country Sort alphebatically by country name
single property view Will only display the selected property
multiple properties view Will display all properties
zoomout Zoom Out
zoomin Zoom In

How the data is derived

Length in Power

All general information about the country, leaders and the duration they are in power is collected from Wikipedia. The list of countries is derived from wikipedia's United Nations member states page. The Head of Governments are sourced from List of current heads of state and government.

Freedom of Press

Freedom of press is generally representative of how tightly a government of the country holds its people. Every year, the Reporters Without Borders organization establishes a ranking of countries in terms of their freedom of press. The list is based on responses to surveys sent to journalists, as well as related specialists such as researchers, jurists and human rights activists. The survey asks questions about direct attacks on journalists and the media as well as other indirect sources of pressure against the free press, such as pressure on journalists by non-governmental groups.

This information is sourced from Worldwide press freedom index (Reporters Without Borders)

Corruption Perceptions Index

Transparency International has published an annual Corruption Perceptions Index ordering the countries of the world according to "the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians". The organization defines corruption as "the abuse of public office for private gain". This information is also gathered by surveys sent to specialists and researchers, jurists and human rights activists.

This information is sourced from Corruption Perceptions Index (Transparency International)


This project was exhibited at WORM, Rotterdam, NL from 7-10th July 2007 as part of "Piet Zwart Institute Media Design Invades WORM".



If there is an error in any of the information please contact me with sources pointing to the correct information. If there is a better version of an image for any of the leaders in the public domain which you would like for me to use in Framing Leaders project please contact me as well.

Florian Cramer, Michael Murtaugh, Calum Selkirk, Leslie Robbins, Inke Arns, Alessandro Ludovico, Ayeshath Fadwa, Wikipedia Contributors & Photoshop-tutorial-guide.com

(c) Shahee Ilyas 2007. Republishing and distribution of any images from "Framing Leaders" for non-commercial use is allowed. All information about the countries and leaders are from Wikipedia contributors. Images of leaders are also from Wikipedia contributors where available. Frame components are from freeware "Online Photo Frames v. 1.01" used under "Online Photo Frames v. 1.01 - License" from Photoshop-tutorial-guide.com.

* If Press Freedom Index or Corruption Perception Index is not available for a listed country, these are ignored when generating the images. The images of leaders for countries without these data will not be shown in the specific views for the corresponding property.